Saturday, February 16, 2013

Movies, Chinese New year, Nail arts, and MORE moviieeesss!!!

Posted by Unknown at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Okay so, I'am gonna dump everything I've got from this last 2 weeks.
Last week is Chinese new year and we make shabu-shabu at Jo's apartment. It's GOODD!! Really feel the family 'aura'.
Plus, we got a surprise sleepover!
Me and the twins cramped ourselves in a sofa and filbert got the best spot to sleep!! HAHAHAHA

The next day, we went to watch Identity thief (Me, twins, filbert, arael, jo). We meant to watch Parker at first, but we're running out of time.. hahaha.


I got my tax exam results yesterday and was pretty shocked. Though I am still a little above average, the average of the class is sooo loowww (only 55!), and I am really not happy with it. I hope I can boost it with my second test. So.. PRAY for me EVERYBODY! Hahahaha

Today we went to watch another movie: Escape from planet earth. It's an animation movie and it's GOOD!! WATCH IT!!! Hahahaha..
This time, I only watched it with the twins. Jo and arael went to Chicago to meet Jo's relative, Filbert was still asleep when we asked him out (at 1 p.m), and believe it or not, I think he's still sleeping NOW (6 p.m).. HAHAHA


 These last few weeks, I've been doing nail arts too. Check it out!!

Hello kitty!
OOOHH!! The Disney OST I ordere dfrom Amazon has arrived a few days ago too!! The songs are SOOOO GOOODD!!! HAHAHAHAHHA

So It's the end of my 2-weeks life summary! Bye everyone! Have a nice day, and may god always be with you whatever and wherever you are!! :)

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Rise of Guardians

Posted by Unknown at 4:31 PM 0 comments

It's been a long time since my last post. I've been going to Bandung from the 22nd to 25th of December for my farewell party with my whole family..

I am going to America TOMORROW! The nervousness just came to me NOW.. Urgh.. I am so afraid I am gonna get lost in the airport or sth.. Hahaha

Anw, Yesterday I went to watch Rise of Guardians with Crystal & her 2 little sisters (Helen-Olivia & Vivi-Victoria), Dennise & her bro (Darren), and my brother at Grand Indonesia.. Evelyn can;t make it in time for the movie but she came to eat with us at 'Sumpit' (meaning: chopstick in English... Hahaha) Restaurant. The food is on Crystal since it was her SWEET 17TH birthday yesterday.. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRYS! GBU ALWAYS! Thanks for the food, it's DELICOUS! Gonna miss u btw! Hahahaha)...

The film is GOOD.. Great animation AND graphics, and I really find the real importance of family and friends, and how much loneliness without them can change a person (the boogeyman, in this case). I really appreciated my family and friends when I watch this and feel slightly touched at several scenes. Hahahaha
A VERY satisfying movie to watch overall! A funny one too! hahaha
The Boogeyman/Pitch looks A LOT like Edward Cullen riighhtt??? Hahahaha
Examining his teeth.. How CUTE! Hahaha

Really like her clothes! Baby tooth is very cute too!!! Hahaha
Bunny's Lair..

So, it's the end here! Wish me luck tomorrow! May I be abel to arrive at USA safe and sound, without and difficulties.. Amen..
Gonna miss EVERYTHING Here! Hahaha.. GBU ALL!!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Life of PI

Posted by Unknown at 8:35 PM 0 comments
Yesterday I went to watch 'Life of PI' at Grand Indonesia with Jessica, Michelle (The non-identical TWINS! Hahaha), Danella, Karen, and Celine.
I REEAALLYY wanted to watch either Hotel Transylvania, Wreck-it-Ralph, or Rise of Guardians. But They alr watched HT and wreck-it-Ralph, and the twins planned to watch Rise of Guardians this Saturday. I am SOOO disappointed for being unable to watch it. I alr have several plans to watch it w/ my friend (Crystal! hahaha) before, but it failed. TT.TT
I think I won't be able to watch ANY of those 3 films coz' I am going to US alr, so I can't watch during weekends (too busy taking care of stuffs), and I can't wait for the DVDs to be sold at mangga dua either. Plus, when I arrive in US, the film won't be played at the cinemas anymore.. TT.TT

Anw.. No use regretting now.. Hahaha..
So, I watch Life of PI yesterday, and I think the film is (SORRY!) boring....
It's not THAT good, and I feel like watching a version of Robinson Crusoe movie.. The only difference is that Robinson Crusoe tries to survive in an abandoned island, but PI (His name is 'Piscine', but he preferred to be called as 'PI', for his friends often made fun of his name and called him 'PISSING' instead of 'Piscine'.. Hahaha)
The only thing good about this film is the philosophical meaning behind it. Hence, I only liked the last 15 minutes of the movie. OH! The nature sceneries here is also EXCELLENT! I bet that my ex-religion teacher: Mr. Charles Schuster is gonna LOVE it! He's a a person with passion in arts, nature, and philosophy. PLUS, he love to watch movies. hahahaha. So now you could guess how much this film will fit him, right? Hahaha.. I imagined him saying 'Oh! It's so beautiful. You should see the movie!)

This is one of the reason I feel DEVASTATED (It's exaggerated.. Hahaha) for being unable to watch those movies-cuz' I don't enjoy this one.. Hahhaha

BUT, I think the meaning of the film is VERY good for humanity.. How we should believe and accept god when there's no scientific and solid proof that he even exists! or how we should accept different religions.

One quote of Piscine that really intrigues me is his last quote:
"'So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can't prove the question either way, which story do you prefer? Which is the better story, the story with animals or the story without animals?' Mr. Okamoto: 'That's an interesting question?' Mr. Chiba: 'The story with animals.' Mr. Okamoto: 'Yes. The story with animals is the better story.' Pi Patel: 'Thank you. And so it goes with God.'"

This is what said about the quote:

The Relativity of Truth
"The relativity of truth is not highlighted as a major theme in Life of Pi until the last part of the novel, when Pi retells the entire story to make it more plausible to the officials who are questioning him. He then asks the officials which story they liked better, since neither can be proven and neither affects the information they are searching for—how the ship sunk. This question implies that truth is not absolute; the officials can choose to believe whichever story they prefer, and that version becomes truth. Pi argues to the Japanese officials that there is invention in all “truths” and “facts,” because everyone is observing everything from their own perspective. There is no absolute truth"

There's 2 other meanings to the quote too.. I discussed these meanings with my friend Danella and Celine yeaterday.. Hahaha

1. When Mr. Okamoto claims that the story with the animals is the better story, Pi said 'Thank you. And so it goes with god'. Pi have 2 stories: One with the animals, which seems UNBELIEVABLE, meeting carnivorous islands, the Meerkats, surviving at sea with a tiger and such. The other story, Pimakes it more 'believable' so that the Japanese would believe it (The relativity of truth, as described above). And so it goes with god.
God seems Unbelievable; we can't see him, touch him, nor we have the proof that he exists. But the Unbelievable may be the truth. So this is why the definition of truth is very much relative, and why we should believe in god when worldly evidence were not given. As Yann Martel, the author the novel said, “religion goes beyond the confines of the reasonable

2. Both stories have different characters. One with the Zebra, Orangutan, Hyena, and Tiger; the other with the cook, Pi, his mother, and the sailor. They have different characters, but both stories ended up the same: The zebra/sailor broke its/his leg and was eaten and killed by the Hyena/the cook, for example. And, in the end, Pi survived the tragedy in both stories.
Same goes with religion. Different religions have different gods (characters). Hinduism has MILLIONS of good, Buddhists have gods like the Buddha,-etc, and Christians have the Jesus Christ. Different religions have different characters, but in the end, the story will be the same. We'll all soon leave this worldly place called 'earth' and go to meet our creator-whom ever we believe our creator is. In this case, as a protestant, I belive it to be God. :)
Another interesting part of the movie is when Pi and Richard Parker are close to death, their boat drifts to a floating island that's completely edible and covered with meerkats. But at night, the island reverses its nature. Instead of feeding visitors, it feeds on them. Meerkats will flee at sun down, and even the fresh water turns into acid at night! Pi, however, says that it's manifestations as gifts from God. He says, God "gave me rest … and a sign to continue the journey."

I read answers from Yahoo answers regarding this,and someone said that the island manifests dead body, and the meerkats as maggots. When Pi was too hungry, he ate the dead body and the maggots (Rochard Parker ate it too..), but then his rationality returns when he found the tooth.

Personally, I don't really like the movie. Regardless, however, let's just focus on the meaning behind the story but I like the true purpose and meaning behind the movies. Life of PI had really encourage people to think beyond rationality. To even question their believes and why they should/should not believe it.
I feel much grateful I've given this life, and how I should appreciate everything I have, after watching how Pi had lost literally everything, but he survived, he still be grateful, and he still got guidance to get his own happy ending in the end..
So.. That's the end of my movie review.. Hope you enjoy it! I'd give the movie 6 out of 10 (Actually I wanna give 5, but the philosophical meaning to it is quite good, so I raised the numbers.. hahaha).
Let's pray I will still be able to watch HT, Wreck-it-ralph, and Rise of guardians.. (I don't know how, but let's just cross our fingers, ok?? Hahaha)
Beautiful, isn't it? It's Jellyfish! Hahaha

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Imperial Kitchen & new phone

Posted by Unknown at 8:03 PM 0 comments
This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I reached home too late yesterday, so I am too tired to post it. Hahaha
Anw, I went to my apartment in Kuningan city yesterday. We walk around the mall before swimming. We went to eat dimsum at Imperial Kitchen first!
It's delicious!!! My mom said that starting this week till the last week I am still here in Indonesia, We'll go there and try eating in every restaurant in Kuningan City mall, then we can go swimming and stuff.. Hahaha..
 Anw, Here's some food we order in the restaurant! Sorry, I can't find the English name to it! Hahaha

Dimsum w/ Mushrooms

Fried Chicken kwetiaw

Jasmine Tea!

Yang Chow Fried rice

Char Siew Chicken noodle

Sea weed Siewmai

Tim Pangsit kcai (Idk what 'kcai' is.. I just saw its name written in abbreviations on the bill.. HAHAAHHA)

Anw, After we eat, we went to a few handphone shopes at Kuningan City. I bought a new phone! Samsung Galaxy Young.. Hahaha..
It's cuz I don't want to bring my blackberry to USA, its old anyway.. So we decided to buy a new phone. I don't buy the 'much to fancy' phone, coz' I alr have my ipod touch, which can pretty much do all the skype, Yahoo messenger, Facetime,-etc I need to contact my fam while I am abroad. So the extra phone is just for me to call and SMS my friends in USA.. But well, we don;t by the reaaallyy lame one either.. HAhahaha

I picked the white one. We spend around 10 minutes deciding which color to choose-black or white. I wonder how much time we need of there's 10 colors. HAhahaha.. My father insisted on me picking the white one cuz it's more 'elegant' he said.. But me and my mom tried to think in a more practical way.. You know, since my ipod is also white, and when I put both phones in a handphone case, all I could see is the sides of both phones. So, when I am in a hurry, I might mistaken one phone for the other. That's why we decided to take the black one..

However, after 'acting the scene' out, we forgot that my ipod touch maybe white, but it uses a black softcase. So when it's seen sideways, both will be black! So then we picked the white one... -.-
HAHAHAHA.. It's complicated, isn't it??
Anw, since the new phone I bought and the ipod touch I have had has similar models, I feel like carrying a shorter, but thicker ipod touch, but with a different brand-Samsung! Hahaha

I still hasn't use it yet, cuz I still wanna use my Blackberry for bbm-ing till 29th of December..

I can't believe it's this close to my departure time now! I feel kinda sad, leaving my family behind, but everyone have to do it sooner or later, right??
My father also often expresses how much he'll gonna miss me! (MORE often than my mom! Hahaha) Which makes me feel kinda Homesick, even when I am still not going yet!
I am just praying that EVERYONE here will be safe, healthy, happy, and successful while I am not here. Plus, I hope that I've turned to be a much more successful, mature, and 'charming' lady when I came back..
I'' really miss ALL the things here in Indonesia!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Mantoux test & Pizzas! (More nailarts!)

Posted by Unknown at 8:15 PM 0 comments
This was supposed to be posted yesterday, but my internet connection yesterday is so slow, which prevents me from opening this blog.. Hahaha

Anw, I am doing another nail art a few days ago! Hahaha.. Actually, it's basically the same as the flower nail art, but I use the darker colour as the base and lighter colour to draw the flower instead of the other way round. Plus, I draw an eiffel tower in my thumb! It's a TOTAL failure! My brother even said that it looks more like the symbol of satanism! TT.TT
At least my dad thinks that it still looks like the eiffel tower.. Hahaha (Love u, Dad! Hahaha)
I was just 'curious', since I can't draw a perfect eiffel tower before, but guess my skill haven't improven that much yet.. Hahaha.. After all, this is my 2nd try..

Yesterday I went to eat in Pizza Marzano with my famaly in Kelapa Gading Mall.. I like the pizza better in pizza hut. The spaghetti smells good, but the taste is too savourless..

Spaghetti Pollo e funghi (This one's GOOD!)

Spaghetti Aglio olio (This one's too savourless.. But it does smells good!)

Blackcurrant tea


Garlic Bread

Pizza Quatro Formaggi
We actually ordered 2 pizzas: Pizza Quatro Formaggi and Pizza Margherita, but I FORGOT to take a pic of the pizza margherita!! NOOO... Anw, I think that the pizza here is waayy too pricey for the quality and taste.. The pizza's topping is almost the same for both of the pizza even though it was said to be different, and the other pizza is more expensive than the other. But it's ok! Hahahaha

Anw, I've done my Mantoux test yesterday!
Its also called the TB (Tuberculosis) skin test. The doctor injects sth (It's a bit painful! hahaha), and then my skin kinda 'bubbled' (then it return to normal.. hahaha). The doc said that the results would be visible in 3 days. She said if it's positive, then my skin will have bubbles, if not, then it'll look normal! Hahaha.. Anw, here's the pic!

Look! It's bubbled~ Hahaha The doc said I have to mark it w/ a pen so that she'll know the spot! Hahaha


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