We were planning on buying another HUGE suitcase and use it instead of using the medium-sized one (and I still think that not all of my clothes will fit!)
Anw, today I took my student visa. YUP! It's here alr!! HAHAHA
Aaanndd.. On my way to take the visa, I got LOST!
I ended walking over 2.5km, when all I have to do is just walk another 100-200 meter from the skybridge.. -.-
It's because of the address they gave me, actually. They teold me that it's 'RPX Casablanca', well, we thought that it's the name of a BUILDING, so I was walking over 35 minutes searching for the building (There is, in fact, a building named 'Casablanca', that's why we're not suspicious at ALL!). In fact, It's NOT a building at all! Idk what it is, but the point is, the place I am searching for was Fedex, NOT Casablanca.. Why sisn't they just stated it CLEARLY??
Anw, just think of it as an exercise for my dieting program! Hhahaha
By the way, I just ate a piece of candy, and I got a 2-in-1 piece of candy!!! Weee... I am Soooo luckkyy (despite the fact that I got lost today.. Hahahaha)
I am Blaming this candy for ruining my Diet! Now I have to eat 2 instead of 1 ! Hahahaha (Blaming others for your own temptations.. ckckck) |
Anyway, the title of this post is 'Fireproof'. It's an inspirational movie!
I told you that I wanna do sth useful, or at least informational with this blog, right? Hahahaha
Actually, I wanted to do 'soul surfer' movie at first, but then I saw my friend, Crystal's blog posting that movie, so I;ll do this one instead! Hahahaha..
I watched this movie like, 3 months ago, just 1 day after watching the 'soul surfer' movie.
While soul surfer is about a teen-inspirational movie; never give up no matter what your circumstances is, and always look up when things went down had led Bethany to her great success today.
Fireproof, on the other hand, is more of a family-'couple' inspirational movie. So, today, the theme is LOOOVVVEEE... Hahahaha
Fireproof is about a young, weded couple- Caleb and Catherine, where their marriage is about to end.
Their lack of communication led to a series of misunderstanding, fights, and disrespect over each other. Both parties think that the other party were just insensitive. Well, their marriage is almost over until Caleb's father gave a 40-days 'love dare' game to save their marriage. The game involved 1 extra task each day that he should do to Catherine. It's difficult, but Caleb should go through it allright..
Ok.. I know that my synopsis is LAME, but u gotta try watching this movie! I personally like it. It's also very religious; a lot of bible verses was used.
Plus, I think that those 40-days love-dare tips are not just for couples, but for ANYONE; friends, family, couples,-etc..
ARGH.. I can't describe it with words, but just try it! Hahaha.. Nothing to lose anyway, right? Hahahaha... :)
Here's some of their popular quotes:
About God’s Standards
“If we consider that we are good people, remember that God judges us not with our standard, but by His standard. His standards are so high, He considers hatred to be murder… and lust to be adultery. If you broke one of His commandments, one day you’ll answer Him for that.”
About a Lifelong Commitment symbolized by a wedding ring
“You putting on that ring while saying your vows. The saddest part about it is when most people promise for better or worse, they really only mean for the better.”
About Studying Your Spouse
“When a man is trying to win the heart of a woman, he studies her. He learns her likes, dislikes, habits, and hobbies. But after he wins her heart and marries her, he often stops learning about her. If the amount he studied her before marriage was equal to a high school degree, he should continue to learn about her until he gains a college degree, a master’s degree, and ultimately a doctorate degree. It is a lifelong journey that draws his heart ever close to hers”
About a Fireproof Marriage
“Fireproof doesn’t mean that a fire will never come… But that when it comes, you’ll be able to withstand it.”
Catherine Holt: So, what day are you on?
Caleb Holt: 43.
Catherine Holt : There's only 40.
Caleb Holt : Who says I have to stop?
Catherine Holt: Caleb, I don't know how to process this. This is not normal for you.
Caleb Holt : Welcome to the new normal.
Caleb Holt: If there's a God out there somewhere, he's not interested in me and my problems.
John Holt : I disagree. I'd say he's very interested.
Caleb Holt : Then where's he been in my life?
John Holt : I'd say he's been at work all around you. You just haven't realized it. You haven't exactly given him an open invitation.
Credits to: callmefay.com & imdb.com
Watch the Trailer:

Kirk Cameron as Caleb Holt |
Erin Bethea as Catherine Holt |
Ken Bevel as Michael Simmons (Caleb's Best Friend) |
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Harris Malcolm as John Holt (Caleb's dad) (He's a very wise, religous, kind-hearted man) |
Stephen Dervan as Wayne Floyd (He adds Humor in the movie! Hahaha) |